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Recently bottomed for the first time and really enjoyed it want some more D in me soon. Adultsex daily moyion. Sauvage autant que trop amoureux de tout.. Somebody who likes to have fun. But I am NOT just looking to hookup. Someone who is also as flirty as i am and alo willing to try out new things as I'm currently free and single :o) In hetero sex I like to be dominant and mostly in control, a little bit rough around the edges for some girls, but, if you like that and it turns you on, then you're going to be so happy you came..Bonus points if you're a runner! I'M THE BOOK YOU DON'T PICK BECAUSE YOU KNOW IT WON'T BE AN EASY READ.

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Looking for someone knows how to make each day count and have fun. Like to keep things fun spontaneous explore kinks and lose inhibitions. I am a married man looking to explore and play with other men! I dont really like to just sleep around.
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